Attenders of Religious Services: Never or Weekly?
Analysis from Ryan Burge with Insights from George Bullard
One of the religious researchers I follow is Ryan Burge, author of The Nones: Where They Came From, Who They Are, and Where They Are Going (Check it out HERE.) See his website at Periodically I post his research. If you are into Facebook, you can follow him at
Here is a recent graph he posted based on publicly available data. The visual is very helpful. What do we need to hear out of this statistical analysis? My insights follow his image below.
Ryan says, “Something happened over the last few years that went largely unnoticed.
The number of adults who never attend religious services outnumbered those who were in the pews every Sunday for the first time. In 2008, it was 70.4M vs 44.6M. In 2020, it was 64.4M vs 75.5M.”
ForthTelling Innovation Insights: While congregations who only seek to get more people who are church attenders to attend more often, those who never attend have been increasing significantly from 2008 through 2020.
Is it that we simply want to compete with other congregations for people inclined to attend religious services? Is that the end of our interest in connecting with people? Are people not already interested in church beyond our desire and focus?
Do we really believe an active connection with religious services has a life -- even eternal life -- benefit? If so, what is our depth of interest and the focus of our efforts to authentically connect with those who never attend? What is the life value proposition we offer, and do we deliver on that life proposition?
Let’s make it more specific – what is the added life value your congregation offers to people who never attend religious services? Does it fit into something they are looking for but have not found and been embraced by? Who are these people in your context or among the people groups you serve? What is the first or next step you need to take to connect with them and authentically serve them?