He Gets Us Campaign is a Big Bang Theory Approach
View George Bullard's Assessment of this Mass Marketing Approach
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He Gets Us Campaign is a Big Bang Theory Approach
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He Gets Us Campaign is a Big Bang Theory Approach
Check out the video and/or audio of George talking about the He Gets Us Campaign
Below is the Audio.Click on arrow on the right-hand side to listen.
Review the Engel’s Evangelism Scale referred to in the video and audio:
Raising general awareness of Jesus, and God’s unconditional love through his life and ministry.
Very good videos and placement. Some use of churchy and theological concepts preChristians and unchurched people may or may not understand.
The effort is appreciated. I choose not to criticize, but I do choose to provide feedback.
I am questioning strategy of campaign and not the effort. I approach my challenges as a Christian Strategic Thinking Mentor.
Mass marketing rather than personal. It waves the flag of Christianity for believers more than it connects with preChristians and unchurched persons.
It is parachurch rather than denominational. I am a denominational transformationalist.
It is national in its focus rather than neighborhood. The grassroots is where the action is.
It is transactional rather than transformational. Not only do people need an initial encounter with Jesus, but they need to learn how to walk with Jesus.
It comes across as a “Big Bang Theory” rather than deep changes in the culture of Christian evangelism.
Better uses exist for $1 billion-plus.
A targeted foundation grant-making approach for the long-term would have been better. Then supported by marketing approaches.
Fund and sharpen what is working.
Support and focus the launch of new congregations.
Latest Columns on The Baptist Association
(For those interested in Baptist Associations, Local Denominational Organizations, or Local Judicatories. See all columns by George Bullard HERE.)
Hearing, Following the Guidance of the Holy Spirit in Baptist Associations
10 Funding Streams: New Climate for Financially Supporting Baptist Associations
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