Political and Societal Polarization--Its Impact on Christians, Churches, Clergy, Families, and Genuine Faith
Sharing an article from The Atlantic Magazine written by Tim Alberta
I share the article below for your edification with some reluctance. I seek not to take sides on political issues as that is not the focus of my ministry. Yet, in reading this article, I saw so many implications for Christian evangelicalism (small “e”), churches, clergy, communities, families, etc. which are the focus of my ministry.
As you read it, look beyond the political rhetoric to see the conflictual story for a family, a church, and a pastor. Then, as you desire, leave comments as to your reaction.
My Father, My Faith, and Donald Trump
Here, in our house of worship, people were taunting me about politics as I tried to mourn.
By Tim Alberta
Read the full article HERE
From the article: “As a believer in Jesus Christ—and as the son of an evangelical minister, raised in a conservative church in a conservative community—I had long struggled with how to answer this question. The truth is, I knew lots of Christians who, to varying degrees, supported the president, and there was no way to summarily describe their diverse attitudes, motivations, and behaviors. They were best understood as points plotted across a spectrum. At one end were the Christians who maintained their dignity while voting for Trump—people who were clear-eyed in understanding that backing a candidate, pragmatically and prudentially, need not lead to unconditionally promoting, empowering, and apologizing for that candidate. At the opposite end were the Christians who had jettisoned their credibility—people who embraced the charge of being reactionary hypocrites, still fuming about Bill Clinton’s character as they jumped at the chance to go slumming with a playboy turned president.”
Read the full article HERE
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