Seminary Degrees, NonVerts, and Generosity
Three Topics George Bullard is Reading On and Learning About This Week
I love retirement! It provides me an opportunity to read from multiple sources, keep learning, write about things of interest, and with hopefulness keep my brain as alert as possible. (I supplement this by walking three miles at least three or four days per week.)
I also have the opportunity to share with you what I am reading, learning, and writing to enhance your ministry. Increasingly, as I continue to get my retirement act together, I will let you know about what I am reading and learning. I will then point you to where you can see for yourself what I am writing.
This ForthTelling Innovation blog provides connections to what I am reading and learning. If you want to see my in-depth analysis and other relevant posts, subscribe for FREE to The Bullard Journal.
This Week
I am reading and learning on three subjects this week:
Seminaries — Do you need a degree if it does not prepare you for real ministry?
The debate on theological education vs. ministry preparation continues.
The Association of Theological Schools (ATS) reports on degree trends. Religion News Services has written about it HERE.
At times we need to look way outside the box for an alternative approach. Check out this article on how “Nannys” are educated in England to provide some fresh thoughts. See the NY Times article HERE. (If you have access to it. Otherwise I will share about it down the road.)
Nonverts — Moving beyond Nones and Dones to the opposite of Converts.
I have just received my copy of Nonverts: The Making of Ex-Christian America by Stephen Bullivant.
Get started reading about this with a Christianity Today article HERE.
Or, this Religion News Service article HERE.
Generosity — How close is the death of tithing?
The Evangelical Council on Financial Responsibility also give us insights on the state of generosity in their recently released report HERE.