(FROM 2ND BLOG) Special Announcement About George Bullard’s Blogs
George's blogs are swapping the URL's and somewhat shifting their focus.
(Important Note About Receiving the Same Message Two Days in a Row! You may receive this post from two blogs hosted by George Bullard. This is coming from the second blog. This is not a mistake. The explanation is below.)
To All Subscribers to the Substack Blogs—ForthTelling Innovation and The Bullard Journal:
1. As I retired in 2022 I started the blog ForthTelling Innovation and the blog The Bullard Journal.
2. I was not thinking ahead so the titles of the blogs and the URLs do not match.
3. I am currently entered Phase Two of my retirement where I am primarily writing and not focused on consulting or mentoring
4. As I begin, I am transitioning my blogs for the URL’s and the titles to match. (It will take me a while to decide what posts to keep and which one to delete, and then to move them around to the proper blog.)
5. The Bullard Journal will now be called George Bullard’s Journal at
It will focus on my personal reflections about life and ministry round subjects about which I am passionate.
6. ForthTelling Innovation at
will focus on what I am writing that I intend to publish. I am working on my original retirement plan to write and publish seven books during retirement.
7. Both blogs will remain FREE. I am not moving my blogs toward soliciting paid subscribers. I do not as of today ever anticipate doing that. Basic information longs to be FREE.
8. I will offer more extensive, in-depth material which can be purchased, but the blogs themselves will remain free. A typical length of blog posts will be 700 or so words. Items for purchase will be 5000 words or more in length.
9. I cannot read your mind as to which blog you want to receive—both, one, or none.
10. Therefore, I have duplicated the subscriber lists, and everyone will receive both blogs until you decide if you want both, one, or none. (I am hoping you give both blogs through at least the middle of April before you make the decision about remaining a subscriber to both, one, or none.)
11. If you decide to unsubscribe from one or both—no harm, no foul. No one—including me—wants their inbox full of items you never plan to read or use.
Questions? Write me at BullardJournal@gmail.com.