State of the Bible: Online Worshipers Lead in Bible Reading Frequency
A curated article from Baptist Press by Diana Chandler on an American Bible Society study--with comments by George Bullard
State of the Bible: Online Worshipers Lead in Bible Reading Frequency
“PHILADELPHIA (BP) – Bible users who worship God online are most likely to read the Bible at least weekly apart from church service, the American Bible Society (ABS) said in its latest 2023 State of the Bible release.
Among online worshipers, 74 percent read the Bible at least weekly, whether they worship solely online or online and in person. Of in-person-only worshippers, 32 percent read the Bible at least weekly, the ABS said.”
Click HERE to read the full article.
Click HERE to download the American Bible Society’s research report.
ForthTelling Innovation Insights from George Bullard:
Do these findings about Bible reading surprise you? Many studies say or imply that online worshipers are less connected. Perhaps that is true regarding the church they are watching. This study suggests it is not true at the specific point of their Bible reading practices.
If online worshipers are more inclined to read the Bible regularly, what does this say about a pathway to engaging online worshipers? Many studies have suggested online worshipers are more casual and less attentive to the worship they are viewing.
Is it possible this can be true but at the same time these online worshipers are more serious about what the Bible says and how it applies to their lives than in-person worshipers?
Certainly the answer to this question is unknown. Yet it should cause churches to think about how they might interact with and engage deeper with their online worshipers.
Perhaps this is more of an opportunity for connections and dialogue than we have previously thought. If not, is this study just an outlier?
If you agree with the results of this study, what will your first step be to engage online worshippers?
What are your thoughts? (Feel free to leave a comment.)