Summer is Life Saving Time With More Daylight and Less Time for Posting
Blog Posting Schedule Interruptions for the Summer of 2024
I hope your summer is off to a good start. MIne is. It involves several joyful journeys that will interrupt a regular schedule of blog posting from now through Labor Day weekend.
June involves a ten day trip to Greece with 90 people who are soon to become good, better, best friends on a Footsteps of the Apostle Paul Tour. If inspired to do so, I may post some on this.
July is our every-two-year Bullard Family Reunion in honor of my parents G. W. (Woodrow) and Mozelle Bullard. This year we will gather in Frederick, MD. One hope is to travel home by way of the Blue Ridge Parkway.
Labor Day weekend finally brings a beach opportunity.
For any of you interested in Baptist associations in the Southern Baptist tradition (or local denominational organizations or judicatories of various denominations), I will be doing a couple of video conference dialogues about what makes an association Soaring, Strong, Stumbling, Struggling, or Spiritless, and what to do about it—if anything.
If you want an invitation to these FREE sessions—which will be recorded and shared with anyone who signs up—send a request to my email at (Remember I will be gone ten days—beginning today—to Greece so I may not immediately respond.)
George, enjoy the summer! Cliff