What Happens if Associations Cease to Exist?
A perspective for local denominational organizations/judicatories on how they best empower their churches to serve from the base of their local context.
Rundown: Articles on Baptist associations are often applicable to the local denominational organizations/judicatories of various denominations. They may be called associations, districts, classis, synods, and by other names. They are typically organisms more than organizations. Relational more than functional. Regional and national expressions of denominations are more organizational and functional.
(This column appears this week in the digital and print edition of The Baptist Paper. Access the column in the digital edition HERE. The Baptist Paper is a publication of TAB Media. Request a free trial HERE. See all TAB Media columns written by George Bullard HERE.)
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What Happens if Associations Cease to Exist?
George Bullard shares five things that would be different if Baptist associations cease to exist.
While Baptist associations continue in a season of determining, defining and communicating their current roles within the latest realm of denominational life, many have settled into a positive and productive rhythm.
However, others have closed or merged, and the ongoing stressors resulting from funding issues, denominational strategies and doctrinal debates could cause more associations to cease to exist.
The loss of associations as organizations within the denomination is disappointing. But the loss of them as spiritual organisms and missional movements is destructive to the denomination.
Associations contribute to the quality and progress of the Baptist denominational movement in ways the state, regional and national entities cannot.
Sense of Community
As spiritual organisms, associations cultivate the Christlike sense of community among a family of member congregations.
As missional movements, they address Great Commission and great commandment opportunities. Associations have deeper evangelistic zeal and caring compassion for their particular context in ways no other dimension of a denomination does.
While I brainstormed three dozen things that would be different if associations cease to exist, I’m only including my top five here.
(Continue reading HERE.)
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